The Ultimate Guide to Menstrual Cycle Syncing: Understanding the Four Phases and How to Optimize Your Health

Ladies, you may have heard of menstrual cycle syncing – the idea that your menstrual cycle can align with those around you. But did you know that your menstrual cycle also goes through four distinct phases each month and there are specific nutrients your body requires? Understanding these phases can help you better track your menstrual cycle, predict ovulation, do the right workouts, eat the right foods, and manage your overall hormonal health. In this ultimate guide, we’ll take a closer look at the four menstrual cycle syncing phases, how they affect your body and mood, and how you can use this knowledge to optimize your menstrual health.

Phase 1: Menstrual Cycle (Days 1-6)

The menstrual cycle phase starts from the day you start bleeding to the last day, which can vary between women (it can vary between 3-7 days). During these days, all of your hormones are at a low point. For this reason, your body requires a lot of rest and you must give your body nutrient-dense foods.

Recommended Exercises




Foods You Should Consume

As for the types of foods you should be eating during your menstrual phase, they must be nutrient-dense, whole foods. Here are some examples of that:

  • Salmon
  • Avocados
  • Berries
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Ground Flax
  • Warm Teas
  • Iron Rich Greens (like spinach)
  • Kelp & Nori
  • Lentils & Beans

Phase 2: Follicular Phase (Days 7-12)

The follicular phase will vary between women but it can typically last between the 7th-10th day after the menstrual phase. During this phase, the follicles in the ovaries begin to develop and mature under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland.
As the follicles grow, the woman’s body starts to produce estrogen, which helps to thicken the uterine lining in preparation for a potential pregnancy. Women also tend to be more creative during the follicular phase due to the rise of estrogen hormone produced in the body.

Recommended Exercises

Cardio Dance/Dance Classes

Jumping Rope

Indoor Cycling


Foods You Should Consume

In terms of foods you should eat during your follicular phase, here is a list of recommended foods you should be eating to optimize your body’s production of estrogen:

  • Citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruit, lemons, etc.
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Fermented Foods: Kimchi, Sauerkraut
  • Eggs
  • Green Lentils
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Poultry
  • Zucchini

Phase 3: Ovulatory Phase (Days 13-20)

The ovulatory phase lasts about 3-4 days and it’s around the 13th-20th day after the menstrual phase. During the ovulatory phase, a mature follicle in the ovary ruptures and releases an egg, which can then be fertilized by sperm. This is where the estrogen hormone levels in the woman’s body are at the highest as well as their sex drive. Furthermore, not only does the woman’s body produce high levels of estrogen, but it is also producing testosterone. At this point, high-impact workouts are optimal.

Recommended Exercises

HIIT Workouts

Indoor Cycling

Boot Camp Classes


Power Yoga

Foods You Should Consume

  • Cucumber
  • Bell Peppers
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Quinoa
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Tumeric
  • Tomato
  • Spinach

Phase 4: Luteal Phase (Days 21-28)

The luteal phase occurs on days 21-28, which is at the end of the completed 28-day menstrual cycle. During this phase, the ruptured follicle in the ovary (where the egg was released) forms a structure called the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone. Progesterone plays an important role in preparing the uterus for pregnancy by thickening the endometrial lining and making it more receptive to a fertilized egg. Hence, the woman’s body is really at its peak of working and preparing itself for pregnancy.

Recommended Exercises

HITT Workouts


Weight Lifting


Foods You Should Consume

In terms of foods, it is crucial to eat nutrient-rich foods that are high in protein, high in complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and foods rich in vitamin B6. Here is a list of recommended foods you should be consuming during the luteal phase:

  • Turkey
  • Beef
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Apples
  • Cauliflower
  • Dates
  • Chickpeas
  • Walnuts
  • Ginger & Mint

The four menstrual cycle syncing phases are an essential part of understanding your body and optimizing your menstrual health. By aligning your workouts and foods with each phase, your overall health will improve! You will feel more energized, more focused, and more powerful when you start to listen to your body and nourish it with the right foods!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of qualified health with any questions you may have regarding your menstrual health. The author and publisher of this article are not liable for any damages or negative consequences resulting from the use or misuse of the information provided in this article. Any views or opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of any company or organization mentioned in the article. The author may provide product recommendations or sponsored content, but these do not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, or warranty of any kind.

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